Tuesday, 1 November 2011

This is the end?

Yeah, so my inbox and reviews are littered with OMG you killed them! How could you?!

Well the reason I did what I did was because that was how the story was intended. I had actually written the Prologue and Epilogue at the same time, so the intention to kill them off was there from the start. Sure I could've had them jump out the back of the plane at the very last second, bounce across the mostly destroyed runway and embrace as the stricken aircraft explodes in a ball of flame and detritus, but that wouldn't be 'keeping it real'.

The good guys won, but in order for good to prevail over evil, there had to be a casualty, because even the good guys die sometimes. The story dictated it, they could only escape by the skin of their teeth so many times, before dear ole' death caught up with them.

I would say sorry, but I'm not, because that would be admitting that I'm wrong in ending it like that and as it's my story, that's how I wanted it to go. That is the hard fought truth in war, the hand of evil isn't picky about who it touches and the HEA don't always come with a big red bow, a box of choccy's or a smooch.

The HEA in my story is that they finished it together, prevailed over evil and if you believe in after lives and all that stuff, they're off sitting pretty on a cloud somewhere, making daisy chains and shitting rainbows.

I've enjoyed every minute of this little forray into fan fiction, it was very much out of my comfort zone and I've appreciated the support and comments (good and bad) that I've recieved. Maybe next time I'll have them riding off into the sunset, fully intact, beating hearts and all. (Or maybe not)

I've created a PDF of this story and uploaded it to my googledocs, it can be downloaded here....

I know this will work on a kindle if you have one as I've tested it on my own! 

I'll get round to adding Whistling Shitcan and Emmett McCarty - The bear hunter eventually.

Download Emmett McCarty - The Bear Hunter.

Download Immediate Action Outtake - Operation Whistling Shitcan.

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