
I love banners and blinkies, infact any artsy fartsy thing, here you'll find banners for my stories, made by me or if anyone feels creative, I'd love to display my readers work too!

This is the first banner I made (actually first banner for any story) for Immediate Action.

Pic Teases etc...

I also dabble in manips so thought I'd share some that I'd made for Immediate Action and some of the photo prompts I have used to get my mind focused too. Starting with the prompts.

 This little beauty is the boat at Flathead Lake.
The Fortress in Bourtzi, I spent literally hours scouring the web for sea based fortresses in and around the Med and then this appeared on my screen and suddenly I could see it. Obviously I took a few liberties with the underwater dock, for that you'll have to thank my other obsession - James Bond movies.

The fortress of Bourtzi in Nafplion: The small island of Bourtzi in Nafplion is famous for its strong and impressive fortress. Still known by its Turkish name "Bourtzi", meaning "the Tower", it attracts many visitors all year round. Antonio Gambello, an architect from Bergamo, built the castle in 1471 on this tiny islet in front of the port of Nafplion, although the construction was completed by the engineer Brancaleone. The design was made specifically to fit the narrow shape of the island.

The entire city was fortified in 1473 by the Venetians, mainly to

provide protection against pirates. The castle, with entrances to the north and south, has three floors connected by movable stairs. A small harbor on the north-eastern side offered easy and safe access between the sea and the fort. To get protected by their enemies, the Turks had laid the surrounding sea bed with a large barricade of stones that made it impossible for large ships to approach the island and the fort.

Later on, after the deliberation of the town in 1821, it was turned into the residence of the executioner for the convicts of the Palamidi castle. From 1930 to 1970, after alterations by the German architect Wolf Schaeffer, the Bourtzi Castle was used as a hotel. Today the island hosts the Summer Music Festival, providing a perfectly stunning backdrop to the gala of music. It is easily accessible by boat from the port of Nafplion and it is a must for the visitors of this beautiful town.

Submarine, okay I definately took liberties on the minisub. The actual sub in the story is the Grumman/Piccard PX-15 - Ben Franklin, it doesn't have a 12 inch bubble window in the front, but I wanted one. So sort of based it off the mini subs from the movie - The Abyss, because to put it lightly, they were cool and I want one. lol

Yeah I think this one explains itself, the swim from the sub.

This is another boat on my 'I want that one' list. This is the one used by the guys during the rescue on Spetses.

The Cabin in Kalispell.

Good old Kellan liked to save my time by dressing up in BDU (Battle Dress Uniform), so that I didn't have to manipulate him into one.So this is what my Emmett looks like.

Demetri and Felix.

When writing I've been pretty vague on my descriptions for these two. Frankly it's because the film versions are just too damn pretty. So sorry if that's who you see, you'll be disappointed, because I wanted mine to look a bit more creepy. Charlie and Daniel are perfect for the film, but I needed something more. So my Demetri is a younger Dolph Lundgren (Think Rocky IV, Masters of the universe, Universal Soldier), and my Felix is the over 7ft built like a brick shithouse, Nikolai Valuev (Russian Heavy weight Boxer) and believe me the guy is H-U-G-E.

 Demetri (Dolph)

Felix (Nikolai)


 This is sort of a mix of manips done for prompting and I suppose it gives me something to moon over too. LOL

The guys in their BDU HALO Flight suits. (Battle Dress Uniform, HALO - High Altitude Low Opening, an insertion method favoured by special forces to surprise an enemy, involving jumping out of a plane, and not opening the chute until the last minute to ensure a quiet arrival.) So they're carrying full kit. weapons, parachute and wearing re-breathers for jumping over open ocean. They are after all Seals, and they like swimming. ;oP

Master Chief - Edward Cullen

Lieutenant Jasper Whitlock.

Edward and Bella on Spetses, as you can see they're a little bit banged up.

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