Friday, 14 January 2011

Fandoms Fight The Floods

Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past few weeks, you'll be under no illusions about the total devestation and outright carnage that the good people of Queensland Australia have been suffering under.

Serious rainfall, tropical storms and all kinds of natural nuttiness have besieged the beautiful Queensland countryside and towns and citys with abandon. Leaving chaos and destruction in their wake. Even now the flood waters continue to claim every dry spot that it can.

So here's the important bit. The Fandom is well known for its charitable giving, be it Alex's lemonade stand, Preemies, Haiti Earthquake, blind dogs that can only walk backwards, you mention it and the good people in the many fandoms will jump straight in there to raise money to help.

What's that got to do with anything? Well a bunch of Queensland Fic Fans have banded together in order to stand up against the raging flood waters to take back a bit of the control and in good Australian spirit let it know that it's not going to hold them back. How? By organising Authors from numerous fandoms to donate stories for you good Fic readers to donate $5 to help those stuck in the floods. For that $5 you will get the complete compilation of stories from across the fandoms. A very small price to pay if you ask me.

So get out there, either sign up to offer a story, or donate your $5, we may not be able to all head out to Australia and wade through the torrents to physically help, but I'll be damned if I'd say no to offering my time to do something this simple.

Just $5, that can go towards fresh drinking water, food, medical supplies, clean, dry clothing, stuff that we have access to without issue, stuff that the people of Queensland need right now more than anything.

You can find out more about this awesome idea here. Fandoms Fight The Floods

Give them your help and support. I know I am.

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